Welcome to Advance: Solar, Hydro, Wind Power Co. Inc. Advance Power is a world leader in high quality low cost energy systems and components since 1978. Advance Power Co. Inc. is committed to providing affordable energy systems, reducing energy usage and ultimately, providing energy independence. Advance Power was the first company in California to be totally solar and wind powered.
Our company founders have lived without conventional power since 1975. Their homes are totally solar, hydro and wind powered. To achieve energy independence in an age where practically everything a person does requires energy is truly an accomplishment. To help others attain this goal requires a commitment. It is easy to sell this technology. It is another thing entirely to be the example and gain the knowledge and insight this technology requires.
Advance Power Inc. is totally energy independent. Even though Advance Power has local utility (PG&E) service we use them only as backup for our primary power system. We produce our power from two large roof mounted solar arrays. One array is a utility interface system that feeds the grid during day. The other is an independent primary power system. The independent primary power system consists of a roof mounted PV array, industrial battery banks (180Kw), pure sine wave inverter (22 kW Exceltech), monitoring and safety gear. The primary power system supplies power to all our loads, all the time. We do not bring the utility power to any of our loads. If the primary power system requires additional power, it will automatically, at night, tap into some of our stored grid power. The grid tie solar system produces much more power in the summer than we use. This also allows us to tap into our stored grid power in the winter. Every kWh of power we send to the grid during summer days (peak power time) is worth 3 kWh during summer nights (off peak time) and 2 kWh during winter days (partial peak time). Our primary power system gives us energy independence and protects us from power surges, sags, spikes and most of all power outages.
32 Solar Panels
![](graphics/advcomp2.jpg) Battery Bank
![](graphics/advcomp3.jpg) Panels and Roof Mounts
Advance Power Co. Inc. also has a large solar thermal vacuum tube array on the roof. A few years ago we replaced our old inefficient boiler with this system. Our average natural gas bills dropped from $1,800.00 @ month to under $400.00. That’s close to an 80% savings. This system consists of roof mounted vacuum tube solar thermal collectors, a 400 gallon heat exchanger tank backed up by two highly efficient instantaneous boilers and water to air heat exchangers in our warehouse and offices. In an ongoing effort to maximize this system we are evaluating Sterling engine technology, turning the summer thermal gain into electrical energy and the winter heat gain into thermal energy.
Solar Hydronic System
Advance Power Co. Inc. is also a leader in ceramic coatings. Many years ago we coated our entire building with this unique and exciting technology. During the summer months when temperatures reach over 110 degrees we are comfortable and don’t need to run air conditioners. The roof coating gives us an added benefit. Not only is the building cooler but so is the roof and our solar electric modules. This, with the highly reflective properties of this amazing technology optimizes the solar power production during hot summer days. Solar electric modules are very temperature sensitive. As their temperature rises power output diminishes drastically. We have overcome the hurdles of reduced power production during hot summer days without the use of reflectors that can damage and degrade the solar cells crystalline structure.
Exterior Wall Coat |
Advance Power Co. Inc. is also heavily involved in wind technology. Our 5 kW wind Turbine. Can be switched between grid tie and backup power production. In the summer we send our wind power to the grid. In the winter we send the wind power to our battery based primary power system. We will have this exciting technology available to our customers very soon. We are continually testing new wind systems and technologies. At present we are evaluating axial wind turbines. This exciting technology allows wind turbines to be placed in turbulent wind conditions, such as roofs, mountainous areas and areas where wind directions change regularly.
Wind Generator |
Advance Power Co. Inc. also installs designs and services hydro electric systems. Hydro electric systems are very cost effective and the return on investment is rapid. However, obviously water is needed. Not just water, but water at velocity and moderate to high flow rates. Water, is becoming more and more precious. It is increasingly more difficult to dam up rivers and estuaries. Fish and water supply are becoming more and more dominant when designing hydro electric systems. Advance Power continually strives to design power production systems to accommodate a wide verity of benefits.
Power Spout |
An example of this is a hydro electric system installed at the home of Advance Power Inc. CEO. At the top of the property is a 3 acre foot reservoir. Above the residence is half acre foot reservoir. This “little” reservoir is used to supply water for irrigation and livestock. Instead of reducing the pressure this system sends the water from the big reservoir, through a hydro electric plant (over 180 psi) to the little reservoir. Whenever the little reservoir goes down a half a foot an automatic motorized valve turns on sending water from the big reservoir through this hydro plant to replenish the little reservoir and produce power. During the summer months this system produces electrical power automatically, depending on the amount of water used for livestock and irrigation. In the winter this system runs 24/7. This system is multi functional. It supplies electric power, irrigation, livestock, plus it can easily be turned into a high pressure fire suppression system. It also supplies water for swimming and recreational use. This system is in parallel with a smaller hydro system, lower on the property. This smaller hydro system is plumbed into the little reservoir and a collection point midway up the mountain, in a ravine. This smaller hydro system is the first to run and produce power during the late months of fall and early months of winter. It automatically switches between the ravine flow and the little reservoir based on winter storm rains. Once the big reservoir fills, both these systems run 24/7. It is a true luxury to have this power available in the winter months when sun light is minimal and the days are short and cold. These hydro’s supply more power than the residence usually needs. Because of this they are able to keep lights on and enjoy a very comfortable life during the cold, dark winter months. Winter visitors usually comment that the home looks like a space ship from far away because it is so lit up. |
Power production is a major portion of energy independence, carbon reduction and lowering the vulnerability to utility company pricing volatility. Power usage is also critical. Lighting in homes and businesses is a large part of energy consumption and heat production. AdvanceLED.com is the answer. The most efficient and economical way to solve all lighting needs. LEDs are over 50% more efficient than compact fluorescents (CFL). They don’t flicker, produce less heat, are fast start, don’t require ballasts, don’t contain mercury and are the most environmentally friendly way to solve any lighting task. Advance Power is LED lighting. Don’t be fooled by the CFL technology. Advance Power is one of the largest stocking distributors for world renowned LED manufacturers. As with all our energy related products we bring them to you with the knowledge and expertise of experience and at prices you can afford.
![](graphics/a60new.jpg) Led Replacement Bulb |